All Our rooms are large and bright, equipped with every amenity you need: Every room has a beautiful ensuite bathroom with a sumptuous luxury shower.

Moreover, in every room there are: a security box, fresh towels & bed sheets, toiletries, hairdryer, mini-fridge and a kettle and or coffee machine, over 3 meter tall Mirrored closets for plenty of clothes space, independent AC system in each room, Free Wifi and flat screen Tv.

Each Guest room is named in honour of notable and intriguing woman of the Roman Empire and it’s rich history, giving each room the respect and relevance they deserve. These rooms are big, bright, functional and coloured accordingly to the décor and architecture of Ancient Rome.

You can choose between 3 kinds of accommodation: Standard, Superior or Deluxe.


Please note: Request ahead of time your preference for a Double Bed or separate Twin beds.

Cornelia & Rea Silvia

Rome’s history is full of powerful and captivating stories.

Our Standard Rooms are named after such woman from early Roman times: Rea Silvia is the Mother of the twins who founded Rome. The Legend of Rea Silvia recounts that she was the daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa, and descended from Aeneas of Troy. Numitor’s younger brother Amulius seized the throne and then killed Numitor’s son and forced Reea Silvia to become a Vestal Virgin, a priestess of the goddess Vesta.

As Vestal Virgins were sworn to celibacy, therefore ensuring the end of line of Numitor as he had no other heirs. Rea Silvia, however became pregnant with the twins Romulus and Remus by the God Mars. When Amulius learned of the births, he imprisoned Rea Silvia and ordered a servant to kill the twins. But the servant showed mercy and set them adrift on the river Tiber, which was overflowing and carried the infants in a tranquil pool by the bank. There a she-wolf (lupa), who had just lost her own cubs, suckled them. Romulus and Remus subsequently overthrew Amulius and reinstated Numitor as king in 752 BCE. Romolo, would go on to establish the city of Rome.

Cornelia is a prototypical example of virtuous Roman women; she sets herself apart from the rest, because of her interest in literature, writing, and her investment in the political careers of her sons. She was the mother of the Gracchi brothers, two important Roman politicians of the Roman Republic era (whose motto was: “S.P.Q.R.” “Senatus Populus Que Romanus). Cornelia used to call them “her jewels”. Actually the Gracchi brothers, were the first ones to care about quality of life of people in Rome bringing in many social and constitutional reforms. They attempted to redistribute to the urban poor and veterans; the occupation of the public land, which hitherto had been principally controlled by aristocrats, but after achieving some early success, sadly both were assassinated by the conservative faction in the senate that opposed these reforms.

• 20 mq
• Window with City view of Fori Imperiali
• Fridge and a kettle and/or coffee machine
• Air Conditioning
• Ensuite Large Bathroom, toiletries and hairdryer



Our Superior room is a very spacious double room and can host up to 3 adults. Please ask for your preference of Double, Twin or Triple beds.

Historians of antiquity describe Poppea as a beautiful woman who used her skills to become the Empress. During her life with Nero together, they did several amazing works for Rome, such as the streets and constructions which are still today, the basis of the Eternal City. For in doing these public works, which helped finance their expensive lifestyle, receiving many resources from the aristocracy, which in turn mainly contributed to Nero being remembered as a very bad ruler.

Poppea was a survivor and had a very challenging life. Her first husband was Rufrius Crispinus with whom she had her first child. Her second husband was Marcus Otho Caesar Augustus, who committed suicide. Her third husband was the Emperor Nero. She gave Nero a beautiful daughter, who sadly died aged four months. Many Historians still debate how Poppea died, but it is pretty clear she was murdered and her death was connected to Nero’s action, who must have felt great guilt as he supposedly burned a year’s worth of Arabia’s incense at her funeral.

• 30 mq
• Window with City view of Fori Imperiali
• Fridge and a kettle and/or coffee machine
• Air Conditioning
• Ensuite Large Bathroom with magnifying mirror, toiletries and hairdryer


Cleopatra & Giulia

Family room (2 adults and 2 kids)

Our Deluxe rooms have large double beds and a comfortable sofa-bed; which can be used as family rooms and host up to 2 adults and 2 children or 3 adults.

Our Deluxe Rooms are named as the most beautiful women of The Roman period:

CLEOPATRA: Family room (2 adults and 2 Children)

Cleopatra, the powerful Egyptian Queen, known around the globe as the most beautiful woman of all the time had a love affair with the famous Julius Caesar, with whom she had a son. Meanwhile, in Rome, she was living in a gorgeous villa on Gianicolo hill, being a foreign queen she could not enter in Rome. After Julius Caesar’s assassination she eventually escaped back to Egypt. During this time Gaius Octavius, known as Emperor Ottaviano, had sister ‘Octavia the Younger’ who was married to Marc Antony [Marcus Antonius]. Neverthless, once in Egypt, for a conquest campaign, Marc Antony approached Cleopatra and fall in love with her: their alliance was strategic as well as being a profound deep and passionate love, producing three children.

The manner and way in which Marco Antonio died and then later Cleopatra will be debated for eternity and like their love, still endues to this day. Nowadays, what is sure about their end is that for a strike of power Ottaviano Augusto killed Marcus Antony and that Cleopatra, not able to leave anymore without love and reign choose to be killed by the holy snake.

Meanwhile, in Rome, Ottaviano Augusto become the first Roman emperor, he made an important strategic step in political term, Rome was no longer a republic but became an empire.

GIULIA: Suite room with balcony

Giulia was the only and beloved daughter of the first emperor Ottaviano Augusto; she was young and beautiful and used to enjoy popular life in the Suburra, with its colours, tastes, entertainments and people coming from all over the world. Her father didn’t like her behaviour, her “scandalous life” as he called it, because he had to uphold the strict values of early Roman period and hence he had a lust of power and thrust into her third marriage to Emperor Tiberius.

After an infant son by Giulia perished in 6 bC, her husband ‘Tiberius’ went into voluntary exile, leaving Giulia in Rome. Giulia was accused of leading a promiscuous life, her suggested affair with Mark Antony’s son Julius Antonius was politically dangerous. So her father, the emperor, sent Giulia to exile to the windy island Ventotene where alone and isolated she eventually died from malnutrition.

Giulia room is an elegant and romantic room that has a charming North-East facing balcony to enjoy a cocktail, whilst gazing at Suburra’s rooftops and afternoon sun.

• 40 mq
• 2 windows and/or balcony
• Fridge and a kettle and/or coffee machine
• Air Conditioning
• Ensuite Large Bathroom with magnifying mirror, toiletries and hairdryer
• Magnifying mirror


Best price guaranteed, free upgrade, free city map, checkout at 12:00, flexible policy, kicthen use and free luggage deposit.

Safety box
Safety box
towels & bed sheets
towels & bed sheets
coffee machine
coffee machine
weekly cleaning
weekly cleaning
flat tv
flat tv
air conditioning
air conditioning
hair dryer
hair dryer